Sinner BV Profile
Company Description
Since 1996 Sinner has represented innovation, quailty, performance and style. First as an eyewear company with sports sunglasses, today as an international lifestyle and sportsbrand, distributed in 24 countries worldwide.
Who am I?
Im not like them. I dont need anyone else to tell me who I am.
I follow my own path and make my own choices.
I am who i want tobe, not who others want to see.
Exactlymyself. Just AS I AM.
As I am does not mean being indifferent.
It means that I'm comfortable with being different.
Comfortablewith being authentic.
I don't judge you by the way you look, act, or talk.
I dont judge you by your political, sexual or religious prefernces.
Cause in the end: there is a sinner in all of us