ElliptiGO Inc. Profile
Company Description
Founded in 2008 by two Ironman triathletes, ElliptiGO Inc. (www.elliptigo.com) is the brand leader in the stand-up and elliptical bicycle industries, with more than 30,000 bikes on the road. ElliptiGO bikes provide a fun, comfortable and effective workout experience that eliminates impact on joints while allowing people to enjoy the outdoors. The company's mission is to inspire people and improve their lives by leading the development of these new categories.
Our headquarters is in Solana Beach, California - the heart of the sports and active lifestyle industry. Our products have been featured by dozens of major media outlets including The Today Show, Runner's World, Running Times, Competitor, Shape, and Men's Journal and we continue to attract media attention because of our success. More than 250 elite athletes currently train on ElliptiGOs and they are in use at more than 300 Universities and High Schools across the country.