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Company Description
gogglesoc designs, manufactures and sells
eyewear accessories made from recycled
materials for the outdoors. The products we
make combine functional properties such as
protection and ease of use with personality
and elevated design qualities. gogglesoc’s
products are united beneath our brand’s tag
line: your lenses will love you.
We promise to manufacture each and every
product we make using recycled materials,
giving waste a new life as a usable everyday
eyewear accessory.
Our products are sold globally, both at retail
and online, to consumers who value the
outdoors and care for the environments they
play in. Today, gogglesoc has grown globally
and is sold at retail in 23 countries worldwide.
Everything we do at gogglesoc is designed to
make it last. Your day in the outdoors? Make it
last. The products we make? Make it last. Your
expensive lens that our product protect? Make
it last. The environment that surrounds us?
Make it last.