Shore Cycling Sports Profile
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Company Description
Shore Cycling Sports is the newest, most modern, full service bicycle shop in the New Jersey Shore Area! SCS is owned and operated by riders with a passion for the sport. Our goal at SCS is to provide the best product offering, support and service in all NJ. SCS is the perfect fit for the seasoned bicyclist or the beginner. Our mission is to exceed your expectations. Shore Cycling Sports has on display over 250 bicycles that you can touch and ride. Each bicycle is immediately available should you wish to take it with you NOW! We have road, mountain, sport comfort, hybrids, beach cruisers, BMX, adult tricyles, tandems and much, much more. Plus we have all the accessories, including clothing and shoes. If you need a bike carrier for your car, we have it. If you need a trailer for your child, we have it. Please take a few minutes to browse our bicycles and accessories. We have something for everyone at Shore Cycling Sports!