Ticket to the Moon Profile
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Company Description
Ticket To The Moon parachute hammock was originally created in 1996 on the beautiful island of Bali, in Indonesia. After testing different qualities of micro fibers, polyester and nylon, we discovered the parachute material made in Indonesia. Also known as silk nylon, the parachute fabric is solid and extremely comfortable, a great combination of elasticity and breathability, providing a perfect body support with no pressure points (zero gravity sensation, perfect for all body circulation). Today, we are a team of 100 people in our headquarter factory of Bali and Ticket To The Moon is represented in more than 25 countries. (Distributor List:http://www.ticketothemoon.com/en/distributor-of-hammock.html) Ticket To The Moon is still more a business tribe rather than a corporation; because we don't just produce something to sell, but we try to promote and live a lifestyle of harmony, travel and relaxation. Anytime, anyhow, everywhere...Enjoy hammocking!