1503 Loon Kee Building, 267-275 Des Voeux Road
Central, HONG KONG, ,
Company Description
Dragonfly leads outdoor experiential education courses that combine purposeful engagement, direct experience and focused reflection. Courses are offered in Hong Kong, China and Malaysia. Each location provides a different experience with activities focusing on Personal development and leadership, Action and adventure sports, Community service and culture and Environmental learning (P.A.C.E.).
Course duration depends on the type of program and age of the participants, but most commonly is one week long. Dragonfly offers field trips, day camps, residential overnights, tented overnights and expeditions, with the potential for multi-week programs.
Courses include technical activities (such as rock climbing, abseiling, sea kayaking, mountain biking, canyoning, camping, snorkeling, rafting, etc.) and non-technical activities (such as teambuilding, camp craft, first aid instruction, etc.). Instructors must have an appropriate blend of technical outdoors skills, teaching skills and interpersonal skills to be successful in this position. Instructors are responsible for the safety of all participants and the educational experience on all programs.