Active Interest Media Profile
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Company Description
One of the world’s largest enthusiast media companies, Active Interest Media publishes leading consumer magazines such as Yoga Journal, Backpacker, SKI, Skiing, Vegetarian Times, Yachts International, Sail, Power & Motoryacht, Black Belt, American Cowboy, Spin to Win Rodeo, Practical Horseman, Dressage Today, Log Home Living, Old House Journal, Country’s Best Cabins, and more. The company’s five divisions—the Equine Network, Home Group, Healthy Living Group, Marine Group, and Outdoor Group—reach more than 40 million people in 85 countries. We also operate websites, B2B businesses, a state-of-the-art video unit, and Warren Miller Entertainment, the most successful outdoor film production company in history. Each of our divisions also runs consumer and trade events, including the world’s largest boat shows and yoga conferences. Active Interest Media’s customers are smart, engaged, and loyal, and they look to our brands for trustworthy information and services that will inspire and enable them to enjoy their passions.