Avant Enterprises, Inc. Profile
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Company Description
Avant Sports was founded in 2012, but don't let our age fool you, we have over 30 years of manufacturing experience in the tool industry. We took our experience from all of those years, to our bicycle manufacturing. It all started with our 6ku brand, that focused on affordable high quality single speed, and commuter bikes. We then turned it up a notch with our Aventon Brand in 2013, which focused on high performance aluminum fixed gears. Most recently we have stepped in to the emerging E-bike market with our Populo Brand. THE AVANT ADVANTAGE At Avant Sports we thrive on the fact that we can offer amazing quality products at affordable pricing. The true select is that we own our own factory. What does that mean for the consumer? It means we have faster manufacturing times, better quality control, and we save on manufacturing cost. This advantage gives our products an edge on the competition. To apply: Please email to our national sales manager at jgriffin@avantsports.com