Maine Appalachian Trail Club Profile
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Company Description
The Maine Appalachian Trail Club is a volunteer, not-for-profit, public service organization that is responsible for management, maintenance and protection of the Appalachian Trail in Maine. The Club has been doing great things with great people since 1935. The Maine AT traverses some of the wildest country left in the East! Trail Crews work to rebuild damaged areas of the trail. Crews hike into remote areas for a week at a time and use stone building techniques to control erosion on steep slopes. Projects often utilize rigging equipment to lift and move large boulders into place. These trail crews work and live in some of the wildest places left in the Eastern U.S. Projects focus on rebuilding and restoring heavily impacted sections of the Appalachian Trail. Persons age 18 or older--of all backgrounds--are welcome. Enthusiasm, good health, physical vigor, and adaptability are vital. Willingness to follow instructions and safety rules and to share equally in camp chores is essential. Caretakers and Ridge runners provide “Leave No Trace†education to hikers on the Maine AT. Assignments include some of the most scenic areas in Maine – Saddleback Mt., Bigelow Mt., Gulf Hagas. Caretakers manage campsites in addition to working with the hiking public. While paid positions require experienced candidates, many of the trail crew volunteer positions are short term in nature and can provide a tremendous outdoor experience and build skills for future jobs.