Lily Trotters Profile
Company Description
Lily Trotters was inspired by our founder, Susan during a long trip to Africa. Normally when flying, she would need to get up frequently and move her legs around. Wearing a compression sock (ugly beige) for the first time, she never felt the need to get up once in 16 hours! It was life-changing. Why would she ever put something else on her legs again? Susan embarked on a journey to produce the first ever high-performance designer line of compression socks, made in the USA for women everywhere. Lily Trotters was born!
Finally— a DESIGNER HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPRESSION sock for WOMEN. Built STRONG enough for a MARATHON or just another marathon day. Lily Trotters marries original, SASSY designs to ATHLETIC compression. Lily Trotters are EASY TO GET ON AND OFF (no need to break a nail wrestling them on). And, with just the right squeeze, you can comfortably wear Lily Trotters for hours on end. Plus, we are THIN enough to rock all your favorite shoes. You can TRAIN in gear or RECOVER in style.