Backcountry Bike and Ski Profile
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Company Description
BACKCOUNTRY BIKE & SKI THE MATANUSKA VALLEY’S PREMIER HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL THINGS BIKE AND SKI; FEATURING EXPERT SALES, EXPERT SERVICE AND EXPERT ADVICE. Backcountry Bike and Ski is a small, locally owned, full service shop.We offer a range of quality brands to fit a wide variety of budgets and riding styles. Along with tune ups and repairs, we provide all the accessories you need to make your experience fun and successful. Community participation and the creation of a bicycle friendly community has been the backbone of our philosophy since we opened for business in 2008. We thrive on seeing our customers enjoying bicycling and skiing, or introducing new riders and skiers to the sports.We believe in advocacy for trail development, management, and etiquette as well as promoting safe cycling. At Backcountry, we work hard to provide excellent customer service with a skilled sales and service staff that is quick to help and always ready to share a laugh.