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I would like to introduce Pacific Connections' new patented Rear Vision bike mirror. This is a concave mirror that is attached to a very nice bicycle glove. We have designed this with a track on the back of the glove to accommodate a range of viewing angles and handle bars. We are making different backer cards including one for rock climbers and scooter riders. You can purchase the item with the mirror on only the left hand glove or with the mirror on both gloves for rock climbing. I am seeking experience sales reps to market this product to independent, mid size and large sporting chains. We pay an excellent commission. Pacific Connections has over 40 years manufacturing experience. They have made products that have been sold at Walmart, Target, and KMART. We have very competitive prices and will sell this product on Direct Import-LC basis or from our San Francisco warehouse. I can be reached at 415-715-0208. Janice Gorton Pacific Connections Sales Director